

发布时间: 2024-05-17 05:27:57北京青年报社官方账号





As a result, China has been speeding up expansion of its much-needed underground gas storage facilities in recent years. It has issued several policies since 2017 focusing on storage buildup and the related pricing mechanisms. The 13th Five-Year Plan on Natural Gas Development set a target for underground storage working capacity to reach 14.8 billion cubic meters by 2020 from the current capacity of around 10 billion cubic meters.


As a non-sport based clothing company, DIKING's initial attempts to be seen on a World Cup stage was frustrating because Adidas was the dominant sportswear sponsor of the FIFA World Cup. Lv persevered and said his company learned from Hugo Boss and Armani in sponsoring big sporting events.


As a Category A council member of the International Maritime Organization, China has taken a pioneering step by implementing the new sulfur standards in its coastal areas since January. According to the IMO, the global shipping industry is estimated to consume around 300 million tons of marine fuel oil in 2020.


As The Times points out, Microsoft and Boeing take much more of a hands-on approach to philanthropy. The reason for Amazon’s lack of involvement is an overall libertarian philosophy, one that’s rooted deeply in the company’s value system and driven by founder Jeff Bezos, notes The Times. That doesn’t always sit well in Seattle, a community that leans left and likes to think of itself as very much community-oriented.


As a Naxi person, He grew up in the Old Town, a UNESCO World Heritage Site with an 800-year history. The town attracted more than 14 million tourists last year.


